Sister Courtney Fries

My name is Courtney, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as Mormons! I am writing this blog to document my journey as I prepare to serve a mission for 18 months of my life.

For those of you who dont know what a Mormon mission might consist of.. As a woman in the Church, I have the choice to leave my family, friends, job, and life as I know it behind for 18 months to teach others about Christ and His teachings. While on my mission, I will be seperated from the world as I grow closer to my savior and Heavenly Father.

Twice a year, once in April and once in October, the LDS Church Leaders host a General Conference where we, as members of this church, get to hear inspired words from a Prophet called of God and his apostles. It is normally two days long and is held in Salt Lake City, UT. This year I had the opportunity to go up to Utah and go to conference with a group of friends. (pictured below :)

In the October Conference of 2012, The LDS Church leaders released this
“Today, I’m pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21,” 
 As I sat on the couch watching this session of Conference, my heart was pounding. My one prayer before this Conference was to know what I needed to do with my life. I was at a weird point of not knowing who I was, where I was supposed to go, or what I was doing with my life. So, in an earnest prayer, I asked Heavenly Father what I needed to do. And then this announcement was made. Needless to say, I was in tears the first five minutes. My prayer was answered. And while it was and always has been right in front of me..I knew it was more prevalent for a reason.

LDS Church General Authorities 

I wasn't always a member of this church. I was baptized about two years ago. Its hard to think that it was that long ago, because it seems like just yesterday. I was raised with great parents and excellent morals my entire life. But when I went into High School, that quickly faded. It wasn't until my senior year when things started getting bad though..I fell into the trap of lying to my parents, going out and partying on the weekends and really not caring about anything except what I would be wearing the next day. You see, this is right about the time that my family also started to fall apart. I was angry, hurt, scared, and just wanted to take it out on everything else. I had witnessed terrible things within my broken family and was desperately seeking a way out from it. So, naturally I turned to the worst things. When I had finally reached a breaking point with my bad habits, I had started a new job at Best Buy. It was there, that I met one of my good friends Brandie. She was always a happy person and always gave me the best advice about work things. We had quickly become close friends. One day, while at McDonalds for lunch, I began asking her about her religion. I knew she was Mormon, but for some reason I wanted to know more. And that quickly turned into one of the greatest conversations of my life.

After our chat about Mormons, Brandie quit at Best Buy. We fell out of touch a little, minus the occasional Facebook post here and there. So, I began going to a church with my other friend from work. This church was great. It was fun and there was tons of singing and more importantly my friend was there. But for some reason, it never felt entirely right. So, one sunday after church, I saw that Brandie had sent me a Facebook message. I opened it up to find the longest letter I had ever seen. When I began reading it, I quickly closed it. Not wanting to read it. It had said
Courtney, Im sick of beating around the bush..
I didn't read it for a while. Not until I found out that my sister, Hannah, was going to a Mormon church meeting the next sunday! I was so mad because my mom had made me buy a skirt and go.

It was Easter Sunday, and I was SO NOT wanting to be at church. It had taken everything in me to get up and get ready for it. But twelve o'clock rolled around and there I was sitting in the pews, SO against it. Once the meeting began, however, I quickly became overcome with peace, happiness, and love. I couldn't quite put it into words what was happening. But after three hours, I left church with a different perspective about Mormons. I went home that night and told my mom that I wanted to be baptized. With the same idea in mind, my sister and set up meetings with the Missionaries in the Church.

At this point, I still hadn't read Brandies letter. But I met with a set of Missionaries. To be honest, I still don't remember their names. I do remember the struggle I had getting to the meeting. Once again, I didn't want to be there. After the lesson, I was like this is stupid. Im just going along with this. But little did I know, Heavenly Father had some pretty big plans for my little family.

After that first meeting, I attended church a few more times, but ended up working a lot more on sundays. Which I was totally fine with because I didn't want to really take the lessons, I was mostly there to support. Then the new Missionaries came into the area. Elder Henrichsen, and Elder Rougeau. Both were in their early twenties, as most missionaries are, and were both HILLARIOUS. When we first met them, they committed us each to coming to church more often and praying. I will never forget the moment Elder Rougeau taught me how to pray. That meeting was the first time I had felt and recognized the Holy Spirit. That night was also the night I knelt in prayer asking Heavenly Father, if what the missionaries were teaching me was true. Immediately after my prayer I went to the computer to clean out my Facebook messages, something I had been meaning to do forever. And came across those same words from Brandie again...
Courtney, Im sick of beating around the bush..
I had chills run down my body. I opened the message and began to read it. Almost immediately I was in tears. This was no ordinary message. It told of a boy, who was 14, who knelt down in prayer asking God the Father for answers. Like I had just done. This boy was Joseph Smith. The story was of his faith to go to the Lord and seek answers. I had received my answer. I knew what the missionaries were teaching was true.

Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove

I messaged Brandie back asking her if she was still going to church. She said she would be going to a new singles ward in my area, and that I should come with her. So, that next sunday I did.

And that was when I gained the beginnings of my ever-growing testimony. I attended church with people aged 18 to 30 and heard them speak of their own trials and misfortunes and how they were using the help of the Lord to seek refuge. Soon after, I made the decision to get baptized. I was baptized on July 2, 2011. I was the last to get baptized with my family members that day. Each of us had made a promise to Heavenly Father, that we would stay clean and follow His commandments. And here we are a year and a half later.

I know with all my heart and soul that this is Gods true church on the Earth. I can testify to each and everyone of you that if you earnestly seek God out in prayer, He will answer you. Just as Joseph Smith did in the Sacred Grove, and just as I did two years ago, you will receive that answer that you're looking for. Sometimes in life we go through terrible things. Those trials we go through are what make us who we are. If it weren't for my trials and sufferings, I wouldn't be at the place I am at today. I wouldn't be the happiest I have ever been. I wouldn't be dedicating 18 months of my life to serve the Lord. You are each Gods beloved children, and He longs to have you return to Him. He loves you with a perfect love that is so infinite, its impossible to understand. He wants you to open up to Him in prayer. Ask Him your questions, tell Him your worries, become as a child. I know that if you are looking He will show you the way. He did it for me, my family, and many of my closest friends.

This blog is dedicated to my Mission, and my spiritual testimonies along the way. Enjoy, and if you have questions go to and you will find what you are looking for.

Much love and blessings to all of you! And until the next update,

Sister Courtney Fries :)


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