gone in the blink of an eye!

Ok, why does it seem like the past 60+ days were non existent?! I could've sworn that just last week I was at 80 days..now all the sudden I have 35 days!!!

Yep, that's right..in 35 short days I'll be headed to the mountainous state of Utah! My last hoorah if you will.

This is one of my mission pictures!!

As the time has come closer and closer to my leave date, I have found myself completely panicking to get everything done. So, for all to future Sisters preparing to leave.. get everything started ASAP! Don't wait and put it off like I did...its WAY more stressful than you'd want.

But, anyways, the closer its gotten, I have really focused on what this process has taught..because the process itself was a journey! And I have realized three very crucial things:

1. You have to be willing to go where the Lord wants you to go.
    We've all heard the song, I'll go Where You Want Me to Go, (if not look it up! its great!) and the day after I received my call we sang that Hymn in church! And at first I was like oh funny..then I read the words..

There may be now in the paths of sin
Some wand'rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide,
Tho dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet:
I'll say what you want me to say.

This verse hit me like a ton of bricks.. I realized then that there are wonderers in Argentina, waiting for the message I have for them that is sweeter than anything else in the world. It helped me to realize just how important each of the Lord's missionaries are..We knew the plan before we got to this Earth, we KNEW we were going to serve missions and experience the struggles each missionary deals with...but this is the KEY THING to remember..when we are willing to do as the Lord has commanded, then we will receive the promised blessings for a righteous life. 

     This was a hard one for me. Throughout my life I have always been a lone wolf or independent person. A one man wolf pack if you will haha. And it has been extremely hard to humble myself and ask for help. And even more so with asking the Lord for help. But, that is why prayer is SO important. We HAVE to ask for help or else we eventually become so overwhelmed, we can't go on! And it is possible to ask through not only prayer, but through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Jesus suffered and died in the Garden of Gethsemane for each and every one of us. Whether you are a member of my faith or not, He died for you. And that is what makes it possible to pray and ask for those burdens or trials to be lifted a little. Almost as if Jesus Christ comes and literally lifts these 20 pound bricks off our backs and carries them for us. That is the atonement my friends, its real. And if we allow it to fix our problems..it will.

3. Family is Forever
     My family means the world to me. I don't always act like the world's best big sister, but I love my family no matter what. Through this process and my entire life, they have been my biggest fans. They have cried with me, they have given me support, they have yelled at me to make me a better person, and so much more! I truly have gained such a better understanding of how important families are to our Heavenly Father's plan for us. Without them we would be so lost. 

I am so very grateful for my mission call, and the preparation it has caused me to take. I am grateful for the beautiful people of Argentina that I am so excited to meet. It is my sincere prayer that each of you seeking truth or knowledge, will diligently read the Book of Mormon, and ask our Father in Heaven if it is true. I can sit and talk until I am blue in the face..it all comes down to our own prayer and hearts. Heavenly Father loves each of His children, and desires only for our happiness. And because of that He sent His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to atone for our sins, so that we could someday return to our Father's presence. I love this Gospel so much..so much so that my heart pounds every time I begin to speak about it, that my joy is tangible, and that I can see it change lives. I am so excited to serve a mission! And I am grateful for my audience..whether they are just my family or not..haha. I love you all! 

Until next time!! Adios!
-Hermana Fries

More mission pics btw!!


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