Dear Sister Fries...

"Dear Sister Fries,

You are hereby called to serve for a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. You are assigned to labor in the...."


Never in a million years would I ever have thought I'd spend 18 months of my life dedicated to serving the Lord.. But, here I am. Ready as I will ever be and willing to go where He wants me to go

When I first started my Mission Paper process, I knew I wanted to serve. For some silly reason, however, I kept questioning it. Wondering if this is really what I was supposed to be doing with my life. But the minute I opened my call..I knew THIS was what I was supposed to be doing.

Now, back track to a couple weeks ago... I submitted my papers on the first of February and I was so excited and ready to serve! But a couple days later, when I was getting ready to leave for a family vacation to Utah..My branch President (or leader of my congregation) texted me and said that my papers had come back because of some medical issues. Needless to say, I was crushed. I felt discouraged and ready to give up. And for about two weeks I really got into a rut. 

Looking back, I realized that I had allowed the adversary to pretty much take control of me and allowed myself to wallow in self pity and not accept responsibility for what I needed to do. And of course, I blamed everyone BUT myself. Then one night, when I really couldn't take the pain anymore..I knelt down in sincere prayer and asked the Lord for guidance and courage. I needed to know why I wasn't changing and I needed courage to be willing to change. I gave everything to Him and pretty much threw my hands up in surrender and said "Lord, how can I become the beloved daughter of God that I know I am?" 

Nothing miraculous happened overnight, but after having a conversation with my mom, I accepted what had to be done. I dug down deep (with extreme help of the Savior) and promised to change. Its been a process but, I am truly grateful for that unique experience. 

I know the Lord works in mysterious ways. I know He answers prayers. And I know that serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is what I am supposed to be doing. 

I am so beyond excited to serve the wonderful people of Argentina! And I am extremely humbled by this entire experience. I've realized now that this is what matters. Serving the Lord and His beloved sons and daughters. Preaching the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and assisting His children to return to Him once again. 

Without a single doubt in my mind, heart, or soul..I know that this church is God's church. I know that at 14 years old a young boy named Joseph Smith humbled himself before God to seek truth and to restore the Gospel on the Earth today. As I have learned more and more about the Savior's Atoning sacrifice, I realize that while we are all imperfect, God loves us with an infinite love that can never be distinguished or put down. He is aware of all of us. And receiving my call has testified of that simple truth. If you're struggling to know where you're going in life or what your purpose is. Ask. I testify to you that there are answers waiting for you. 

I love you all! And I am SO so SOO SOO SOOOOOO excited for this journey!! 

Until next time! Look forward to more sights and sounds!!


Hermana Fries 


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